Monday, October 31, 2011

All Hallow's Eve

(made in Photoshop CS5)

Happy Halloween everyone!!! Its that special time of the year 
when you can be anyone you want to be. Release your inner animal, authority figure,
princess, rock star and go all out! 
Trick or treat, Eat some sweets, TP a tree, Make some fond memories with 
Great friends and Company :) 


Thursday, October 27, 2011

"The Portrait of a Lady"

(Photo Credit: Shirisma Shavers)

(dress: Salvation Army, earrings: Brazil, watch: Swatch, ring: Promise, clutch: Toleshi, stocking: Camden Market, London, nail polish: little brown dress )

Sometimes I think life was simpler during the 1940s. Things were classier then. Women would emphasize their "hourglass"figures with grace and poise. This look is perfect for any Sunday Church look. 

Monday, October 24, 2011


(made in PhotoShop CS5)


I have always been a fan of questions. I believe there is no such thing as a dumb question (though, I have proven that quote wrong several times) There are sooo many questions out there just waiting to be asked and answered.

 I've always thought questions were a reflection of a community; I still do. When someone asks a question, the goal is to get something that was missed; whether for further clarification, explanation, and discussion. 

So don't be afraid to ask a question, rather than saving it for later. 

Sometimes the "later" doesn't come and you're stuck with shifty eyes and a healthy mustache disguise. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Voice UR Protest

Photo Credit: Shirisma Shavers

(scarf: Metropolitan Stand, Paris; combat boot: xappeal shoes; black romper: H&M; chain: Forever21; bracelets: fashion district, NYC and the one with a red square is from Invisible Children; stockings: Camden Market, London; olive blazer: DeCree)

This outfit was inspired by the protest movement called Occupy Wall Street (OWS). This movement was influenced by the protests that took place overseas in Egypt, Spain, and Israel in the beginning of 2011. These protests brought about change through a non-violent and civil resistant spirit. 

OWS is a diversity group of activists who gathered together on September 17, 2011 in order to protest against the New York Financial District. The group is a “leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that we are the 99 percent that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1 percent (” 

In this outfit, the combat boots are ready to march to the first of the protest. In-sync with the heart-lined stockings that spread love, peace, and life with each step one takes. The runs in the stockings are a reminder that love causes us to take action and move... Even though some times our bracelets can keep us hostage, it's never to late to speak up and bring about change. 

Thank you everyone who is not afraid to "Voicie UR Protest" 
and participating in OWS. 

Best Wishes,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

These Boots were Made for Walking

Photo Credit: Jeanine Vaszari 

(shirt: H&M, skirt: Forever21, boots: Thrift Shop, bracelet: flew market, earrings: H&M, nail polish: essie "little brown dress")
Hello Fall :) 
Walking around campus can be like walking through the woods with all the falling leaves. 
Busting out these cowgirl boots, makes every stroll around campus
more memorable. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Circles and Squares in a Yellow Hue :)

(blazer: Forever21, dress: Urban Outfitters, earrings: Thrift Shop, watch: a gift, earring: Thrift Shop, bag: Vintage Shop, shoes: Dorothy Perkins, ring: Forever21, nails: essie "little brown dress")

Making the most of the last days of summer weather and discovering new ways of combining prints. This outfit was inspired by the circular studs on the dress and the square studs on the bag :) I was on the way to "Corazon Latinos" a festival that celebrates the Hispanic Culture in Johnson City, TN.

My Story

I was always "that girl." The girl who was loud, wild, crazy, fun. The one who was determined to be her own person no matter what.

It started off in my childhood with little things like choosing my morning cereal and my shoes for school. Then it accelerated to getting dressed in the morning. I would stand in front of the mirror and try on poka-dots pants, stripes shirts, and flowery prints because I thought they looked beautiful together. To me they were. Those memories are very dear to me and have helped me become the person I am today.

Although I still mix and match prints, I've learned an art of balancing them. By finding a happy-medium somewhere between wild and calm, I have defined my style as "Simple" and "Bold."

So I hope you join me on my journey as I combine both words that are worlds apart.